ATAG EVENT Luftwaffe assault - Saturday, July 27, 2100 GMT on ATAG

If you wanted a good excuse to pick up Cliff of Dover… Here it is!

Event - Saturday, July 27, 2100 GMT on ATAG server

ATAG Members will be launching a Luftwaffe assault on our main server, along with many other squadrons.

If you haven’t participated in an event organised by ATAG DRock before, now is your chance!

Anyone is welcome to join, either with us or against us. ATAG will be flying heavy bombers this time around, with some serious escorts.

No sign ups needed. No passwords.

Unfortunately, skins will be disabled until we figure out the issues we had last time that crashed the server.

Good luck, and have fun.

Molto interssante anche perchè a ClOD ho donato il cuore, ma ho un torneo di burraco con mia moglie, ergo un mancamento costerebbe parecchie decine di migliaia di euro…

Finito di reinstallare ieri e provato. Devo dire che nonostante tutto mi piace ancora molto.