ArmA Wargames (replacing Charlie Foxtrot)

Hey chaps!

I’ve finished one tank video form the current campaign

…and I have LOTS of flying footage from the previous, beta campaign, where I flew as a transport pilot once again. I will release many volumes of it, and here is my first!

Enjoy both in 1080p mates!

Good Show!

Remember the first volume some time ago? Well, there’s more! :slight_smile:

I finally finished the second volume of flying! Would love to get comments on the style and if it is something I shall keep doing. :slight_smile:

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

I finally got around to see your extended version of Rolling Thunder with focus on the teamwork. Damm it is long and damm it is good. I really got a thrilll out of it. I actually bought Iron Front due to your series :wink:

Here is some more footage from the tournament. Rolling Thunder 8 is tonight and I need the HDD space.:wink:

Just like the flying series, here is a new series on tank combat. All footage was from a single battle in the last campaign. :cool:


Enjoy in full HD and fullscreen!

Awsome, There is no doubt that ARMA is the best wargame out there! :slight_smile:

Thanks Osprey! I’m looking forward to ArmA 3!:wink:

Here is possibly the most intense battle I’ve ever had in a tank in ArmA Wargames. It was from Campaign 1, half a year ago, and I finally found the time to edit it together! It’s all from a single battle, Battle 6. And the rest I leave up to you viewers. :slight_smile:


Unfortunately my mic was not recorded! Also make sure to watch the whole thing, the ending is quite special. :wink:

Time for some of my stuff then…actually - a lot.

As the last battle of this fourth campaign in ArmA Wargames takes place tomorrow - here are 6 videos (and more to come) from one of the CBC tanker’s perspective (BLUFOR tanker). :slight_smile:

Enjoy the action, anger, cursing and squaddie humor! That’s the life of a PVP tanker, lol. - playlist if you want to see it all down to the tournaments’ birth!

Campaign 4 - Tank Warfare 2 - The Tank is Back! (it was removed for two whole campaigns - I was like a kid in a sweets store when my baby was back!!)


(I am only allowed to have one vid per post, so I will post them below)

And more to come from this campaign!

Plus stay tuned for Rolling Thunder 10 video! :slight_smile:


Tanking in ArmA Wargames - from Campaign 4 Battle 2 (Ever wonder how it is to fight in a tank in PVP? Well take a look here!)


Campaign 4 - Scrim 3 - Tank Warfare 3 - More mayhem on rattling tracks, with a very interesting tank duel at the start!


…and a one-shot of a million - it took 4 years until it happened…so will probably take a while before happening again. ;D


Campaign 4 - Battle 4 - With some hearty cursing


Campaign 4 - Battle 5 - An intense battle! Again an incredible chopper kill at the end that will most likely not happen again!


More videos from Campaign 4 on the way!