Taken off Subsim…
A guide to torpedo attack tactics, in the (hoped) style of the late Stanley Unwin:
If Sonarman or Watchman sings, notify the bearings and directionness. First plot an endy-roundy for the meeting, which has to be perpendicularised for the optimum banging of your fishes.
When the enemies are closest, dive dive dive and get the angles of the bowies. Subtract 360 if ported, and add 270 if starboarded. Enter TDC, and keep periscoped periodically. Angly off the bow keep around 180, but watch the speediness of the merchantmen. Your speed is shallowy, so flank it, but take much care of any waking. Spotting by looks-out is gruesome.
Add the sine of the anglies to the tangent of the bowies, adjust your courseness, and launchitude should be semi-kilometric. For distance, you need mastication from the reticules in the periwinkle. Tubes must be dragged open one by one, and don’t forget distances for torpedo armies.
Torpedoids have two sets: magnetron and impacted. For one, depth-set for a couple of metres or two below the krill for the larger explosions and quickest sinks. Big frothy plumes: deep joy.
But, many dodos. Especially early-warsome, many bangs with wrong timeliness, or no booms at all! Kapitans, use a spreader and maximagnificate your chances with numerous torpedations. Fore and aft, spreaded left and right, and don’t forget the angly-bowy. The glanced blowing is just bouncy-bouncy and it’s “goodbye” to bang-bang and fishy depths.
So, the lining-up – just add 180 to the position, get the gyro and take away 90 less 360 for leading… Then turn flankwards into bow and stern, and wait, wait for zero angle on the gyroscopic. Then, shouting loudest “torpedo los!” and stopcheck time for hitting. “Treffer” makes men leap all ways for lifeboats, and makes angry destroyers too, so check your cautiousness.
Now the sailor-men on the tinny cans have the deep, deep chargies they hurl at the briny and drop, drop, boom! So, hush-hush, turn many degrees and lower, lower. No knocking-spanners or shouting your thinking; keep ultra-no-noise. Lavatory out; use Heinz. Whisper necessarily, and with hopefullness up, destructioners will go away soonest. Back upwards for freshest of air and toppy-uppy the batteries.
All again, chaps! More tonnies ahead!