after the all seeying eye

Haven’t played COD4, AA, MOHAA for ages on line.
tried to connect through TASE recently and learned it was no longer supported and offline.
which portal is used nowadays to play these games online.
do you guys connect through the ingame serverlists or…

So nice to see you online again Dweez. Man what fine times did we have with Moose playing Mohaa!! The last time I played was with Red Orchestra. It has its own internet game conn facility as well. I didn’t use TASE for ages!

Currently I have 2 second world war mud moving games installed: Red Orchestra and COD2.

Hi HIa,

yes it has been a long time and indeed these short nights playing MOHAA and COD great fun.
COD2 is installed and now I’m downloading red Orchestra, (screens look very nice).

so hope to see you again (through my scope :slight_smile: )