4YA one life event

Dear players,

Presenting the 4YA Project Overlord One Life Event!

1-Life 1-Plane Event on the 4YA Project Overlord WW2 server!

1st October 2022 at 1900UTC

For this 2-hour long event, each player will get 1 aircraft to fly and fight with until they’re shot down or crash. The last pilot standing wins the tournament.

New: Squadron tournament alongside! As well as recognising the top individual players we’ll also be honouring the most successful squadrons in this week’s event!

Experience the thrill of flying and fighting in a scenario where survival matters as much as splashing your opponents. Tactical flying and teamwork will be crucial to survival.

If you are interested, please sign-up in the spreadsheet under the link below. The sign-up will close this Friday at 2000 UTC.

This event will require a decent balance between the teams to be fun for everyone, so if you would be willing to switch to Axis in case of imbalance, please put a cross in the field “Can fly Axis”.

We also want GCIs for this event! Some familiarity with LotATC would be helpful.

Sign-up: 4YA 1-Life 1-Plane Event 2 Sign-up - Google Tabellen

If there are any questions, please ask in ww2-general

Polansky in and willing to participate in both single and squadron events, this single event is on Saturday 1 october 1900UTC (2100 italian time, so our usual flying time) if anyone is up i’m skipping school and we can train for the event tomorrow Thursday 29 from, me being available from 2000 till 2300 or saturday morning and an hour before the event

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Ma porco cazzo! But Pig Dick!
Di sabato sera? Se divorzio vengo…

Ma porco can, effettivamente di sabato farei fatica anche io

Sabato sono ad un matrimonio…

@EAF51_RomanPolansky per domani mi sono segnato anche io… che forse sto a casa.
a che ora ci si becca?

Dove ci si segna per domani?

Ho visto però che voi due cazzoni volate teteschi…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@51Squadron Qualcuno che voglia volare alleato con me?

mannaggia. Domani sono fuori con amici e non riesco.

real men fly FW190 :slight_smile:

ma mi sa che passo, che mi sono beccato il covid
vediamo come mi sento domani

Rimettiti presto!
Io a dicembre sono stato piuttosto male 2 giorni, poi però è passato del tutto molto rapidamente

Oh porca vacca, mi spiace Bug, sintomi particolari o sei solo generalmente distrutto?

generalmente distrutto :face_with_thermometer:


Io sono ancora al lavoro, vi aggiorno nel pomeriggio