Hey chaps,
Been buzzing with excitement after stumbling on this thread over on the ED forums of how to get DCS working in VR for (next to nothing) by streaming the stereo output to smartphone.
You need a smartphone, Nvidia card + GeForce Experience + this free software/app Moonlight http://moonlight-stream.com/ and a cheap (google cardboard, Samsun GearVR) headset.
Obviously I have HOTAS and TrackIR too. (you need to disable the Shield controls otherwise the GeForce Experience assumes you want to play via tablet).
It was a bit of a faff to get working and I was on the point of giving up. (software assumes that you want to stream via WiFi, whereas if you use the USB tether you can get 60FPs via moonlight I believe). Firewalls, LocalIP addresses all made for a set-up headache. Luckily DCS has a ‘stereo’ setting in the graphics options so you don’t have to do (much) voodoo magic to get it working.
HOWEVER! I finally got it working and it is &^&(& amazing. Real sense of vertigo. You want to reach out and touch stuff. F-86 pit is beautiful (gunsight a bit hard to see though against bright sky). Most of big gauges, dials you can read (or guess) by position. Not sure about smaller gauges like fuel. Surprised thou by how readable some of the text was. And obviously you can lean forward to zoom in. Looking around the inside of the Huey too was bloody fun.
FOV I’m guessing is smaller than the Rift or Hive - which meant menus were a bit awkward.
Only glitch I spotted was the edge of one of the stereo screens reappeared as a tiny line on the right-hand edge of the right-hand eye, but otherwise seemed spot-on with a bit of adjustment of the lens.
Anyhow, thought I would share this. If you are on the fence about VR, have an Nvidia card, DCS this is a superb low-cost way to try VR without forking out for Oculus/HIve and an 10XX series card.
(There is also a couple of other apps/programmes, TrinusVR + TriDef (£) which sound as through they could allow for better tweaking of the VR experience (TrinusVR) and also convert non-VR games into stereoscopic 3D (TriDef).) Little bit confused by last one as I thought Nvdia control panel could already do this ?
Anyhow - now need to see what other games work with this in VR!