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On Standby
More news
We’re converting to Camels (finally) We have 6 Camels and 6 Pups to use. Until full conversion in around 3 missions, allocation will be based on rank and kills.
For tonight on the above roster we have 6 Camels and 1 Pup to allocate. (Keets isn’t going to make it, so Camels all round)
Also Jojko is in the seat as lead. As WB is on standby and Jojko is the next ranking officer he’s also drawn a short straw 
Should have time to fly this week. Last week just took a little to long to get started…I was knackered 
Captain WW1EAF_Jojko signing up for monday night RoF mission! Requesting Sopwich Camel in hangar…thx :anpeace:
I am away from home and pc gaming.
Awww sorry “Captain Jojko”, no flying for you this time.
Apparently your aircraft doesn’t want to fly with you.
“Its got the hump!” 
Its Easter Guys, and I’ve got too much spare time 
every creature has some kind of hump wich makes it special…
Hope to be on tonight but won’t know till about 8.30ish.
first post updated with roster for tonight and some news
pssst…Im a Captain too
{ although Im not bothered who leads } and if you want, I’ll take an Se5a
Apologies Brigs, I’m not going to be back in time, so have to sit this out.
NP Keets
Feking 10 character fill in!
I know Puff, you were leading last week.
After you left I had to go back into the mission editor and associated PWCG files to amend it to Jojko.
As Jojko did a good job last week and needs the practice he’s in the seat again.
Stats are updated.
Another frantic furball, although this week the furball featured two seatera with scout escort
The squadron had a hard time with only Jojko making it back.
We lost Whiskey and Puff. Myself, Splash and Baz were forced down.
Bad luck WB and Puff
Next time, Im gonna hang back till everyone else has had a go and the two seaters are out of ammo
I charge in and was hit by crossfire from four of the busstards.
I said at the time we should have left them alone.
Personally I would not attack a two-seater unless we outnumber them at least 2-1.
With 5 in close formation you asking for trouble.
You weren’t the only one in trouble 
I was minding my own business having a scrap with the Pfalz, when I was shot at by the Halberstadts in a vicious crossfire.
Flipping tracer all over the place, I managed to get the Pfalz but was shot in the swede seconds later, my engine gave up the ghost approx 10 mins later and did a nose plant in a field.
At least I survived… just 