
S!~ All,

We are trying to fill our MDS server for week long campaigns and we could use a few interested European squadrons to accomplish this. We have campaigns scheduled through February of 2012, with the next installment being Wings~of~War: Britain 1940. If you are interested you can find details at

Thanks for the invite Tiger

Not being familiar with your server, could you perhaps give some details.

Of interest to our pilots would be:

Switch settings
Server Native patch level ( so those interested can fly with your settings )

And any directives regarding Rules of Engagment. ( ie, base camping etc )


PS: if your the Tiger who used to fly regularly on UKDed, good to see you !

S!~ Sir,

Thank you for your reply. You can find the details of the campaign here. Unfortunately, I cannot claim to be the Tiger that flew the UKDed server. Hopefully, it’s still good to see me. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your prompt reply Tiger. Got that doc, thanks

