I upgraded from my TIR 1 a month or so ago. I found TIR3 Pro, using the vector clip, a big improvement on the single pickup of TIR1.
I just used the stock config file, the latest drivers, stuck the clip on the track hat and away I went. No more “TIR moments” in DF’s.
@ Henkie, you’re right, there’s no lateral movement at the moment in game (if only they’d do it), but an immediate advantage for fidgety pilots is that you don’t need to sit as still as you used to with TIR1.
The Vector is a great help for me to make learning to use the TIR easier. Due to theirs being three sensors instead of just one, the movements seem more smooth and precise. For FB the TIR:Vector works exactly as a normal TIR would but as mentioned above its more sensitive and smooth. For other games such as Lockon the Vector comes in to its’ own and is really nice to use. Zooming in on the dashboard to help read better or taking a closer look at a potential target, it’s great.
Worth an extra £38?
For me yes it was definately. I found TIR very difficult to get used to with it spinning all over the place, I was about ready to give up on it because it made my flying even worse than normal. So I thought if the vector helps it will be nice. And it certainly has, now I can move my head around in a controlled manner and I know it will still take another week or so to perfect the use of it, but already I can shoot at targets and keep them in the gunsight.