TS Update

Some interesting developments over at TF

Long way down the road according to the thread. But it looks like there we may get a new theatre of Ops. :slight_smile:


I’ve just run Thursdays mission as a test on my DS and the difference in frame rate with the ATAG patch is incredible. There was no slowdowns at all. Thursday is going to be a cracker. :slight_smile:

I love the new polished look to the aircraft and the dynamic light in the reflections. This makes spotting aircraft much easier as well. The Spit feels like a Spit. All I can say is wow!

If they carry on at this rate, 777 may as well pack up.

I totally agree. The patch is a big improvement. If this is the way it’s going, especially adding new content, the future of CoD looks good.
Loving the new lighting and toned down weathering too :slight_smile:

I and Baz tried ATAG on Saturday and it was really funny even if they have to work better with sounds (especially guns) and, in some cases, i see enemy disappearing from a not very far distance but it was very good to see reflections of the sun on the objects in the ground. Keep us updated with these patches please!


Not sure what you were flying, but the gun sounds now in the Spit and Hurricane are pretty good. There’s too much Hollywood/fantasy for how people think stuff “should” sound and expectation is based on this and not reality.

Something I’m glad they’ve removed is the airframe creaking. It was like flying an 1800’s ship of the line and again too much Hollywood and not reality.

probably it’s only my problem but i don’t think that a sound like “prrrrr” is a good and real sound for machine guns. :smiley:
i’ll check for it. Thx anyway!

With the engine going full bore and with helmet and headphones on, you’d hardly hear the guns going off. Maybe a small vibration to the airframe. Most pilots couldn’t here a thing over the engine.
I’ve read a few tales of pilots being shot down where they only knew they’re being shot at is when they started to notice the bullet holes.

One of the things that really used to bug me in IL2 was the fact I could hear bombs exploding on the ground and AA guns firing.

really!? :slight_smile: fortunately i haven’t this kind of bug! finger crossed that TS guys will make CoD a great simulator… i really want to play it often with all EAF mates!

I’m no aviation historian, but my beloved Hurricane, sounds like my Mountfield petrol mower.

Surely it should be a Flymo. :slight_smile:

“…we will fight them on the neatly trimmed lawns…”


Away for Easter so will sadly miss the next one, hey a new map…didn’t think that was possible with the code they had access to, great news.

Don’t knock it. Neatly trimmed lawns was what put the “Great” in Great Britain.
“Never was so much mowed by so many” :slight_smile: