1155 - 1230hrs: With cloud building up, the bomber formations were given the all clear to take off, some three hours behind the planned commencement of operations. Bombers of KG/1 got away as scheduled and over the French coast meet up with their escorts. The Do17s and Ju88s of KG/76 had problems with cloud and found it difficult meeting up with their escorts. The area to the north of Paris was 8/10ths cloud and the bombers had to climb through 4,000 feet of this before reaching clear blue skies. This was to put them behind schedule for the rest of the operation. Nine Do17s of 9/KG76 had managed to leave their base on time but it was these nine Dorniers that was to be the element of surprise as they were to fly at almost sea level and at between 50-100 feet above the Kent countryside to avoid detection by British radar.
The plan here was for about 50 - 60 Bf109s to cross the coast at Dover and head north-west towards London. Their task was a free rein to make contact with any British fighter squadrons that were in the air and lure them away from the main bomber force about five minutes behind. This bomber formation consisted of 12 Ju88s and 27 Do17s with an escort of about 25 Bf110s and 20 Bf109s. The target for this formation was Kenley.
Mission start time: 9.00pm <---------------------------------- Note the slightly earlier start time
Where: Launching from the CoD client list.
Server: Keets EAF dedicated server, Password given on TS
Note: this will be running the Team Fusion patch + hotfix, so you will need to get it installed first.