Thursday BoB - August 16th, 1940 Pt 1 (13:00-14:00)

Friday, August 16th

1300hrs: A large formation of enemy aircraft were detected coming in over the Channel east of the Isle of Wight. 43 Squadron Tangmere (Hurricanes) and 601 Squadron Tangmere (Hurricanes) were scrambled as orders were given to all base personnel that the formation was Ju87 dive bombers and that they were heading towards Tangmere Aerodrome. Residents of the surrounding villages and personnel on the airfield had a clear view of the gull winged attackers as they made their near vertical dives onto the airfield. Passengers on an electric train that plied the Portsmouth-South Coast railway line also had a clear view of the events, and saw hangars and buildings explode as bombs found their mark.

Mission start time: 9.30pm-9:40pm after the SEOW
Where: Launching from the CoD client list.
Server: Keets EAF dedicated server, Password given on TS

Hurricane action this week. Things are hotting up.

Note: this will be running the Team Fusion patch, so you will need to get it installed first.

Yes I will be there after SEOW :slight_smile:



Working sorry…:frowning:

May be will join it with some of 51:D

Good to have some help last night from the 51 boys.

Stats are here: Total stats
Individual virtual “life” stats are here: Current virtual life

Of note:
Flt Lt Keets is missing presumed killed.

Last seen over the Channel flapping his arms for some strange reason. :slight_smile:
