IL2 1946 First Impression

But the vegan may also have the added benefit of anal propulsion, which introduces other factors … usually smelly :bootyshk:

the pea will fall faster than the bowling ball…gravity is not the only force acting, the air resistance (?) is acting too

Depends crucially on the characteristics of the peas and bowling ball in question, Nepe :slight_smile: That’s whay we tend to head to the bar at this point :smiley:

As for Vegan-anal propulsion; try flying the new Russian mixed-engine kites :smiley:

Well y’all have not thought of this: Its possible that the vegan has a higher diametrical thrust due to the anal propulsion that may discharge the pea at a higher velocity than the Bowling ball with the total resistance of the dihedral to be equal with the size and the velocity of a Turkey and divide it by the weight of water at 3.6 lbs multiply it by specific gravity you have…ahhh where was I???

LOL!!!@ Majik :roflmao: