HSFX Mod Pack

We had a bit of a discussion about this in/after Joe’s training d/f mission this evening. There’s also a bit about in the thread I started about the UP and AAAUI packs.

I thought I’d post a link here for better visiblity. I know a few others have tried this pack and I’d be interested to get their opinions.


It’s another mod pack
It’s big to download
Not so much online compatibilty for wars (at the moment)

Massively shorter load time (this is a BIG + for me)
Canons BoB included so no more faffing about with installs
Certs AI Mod included (for me one of the must have mods along with 6DOF)
4.09 compatible
More RAF Sqns available for mission builders (Thanks Brigstock - much more realism for me now with BoB missions and Rhubarbs and Rangers etc)
Its being adopted by the SEOW developers and there’s a massive multi sector SE in the works

It’s available from the 242 Sqn site here

I heartily recommend giving it a try. The 242 boys have done wonders.



More on the big SEOW campaign here

Multi sector, multi times zones and expected to last around 6 months! :slight_smile:


Charlie has released an outline on the Campaign. It may look complex, but ultimately it is scalable for the participant. You can sign up to fly one mission a week in a chosen sector (foolow the brief and do you best) or you can sign up and take a more active role in the command structure.

Me, I’m joining as a single pilot in whichever map is available, no admin type role at all. So I’ll be just turning up on the night to fly and that is all.

JUNE 4th 1942 Multisector Campaign

Status:- HSFXv4 is released and 4Shades has just released a wonderful new SEOW update to support it.

All of the required sectors have been added to the MP ( PA_Dore, Gross, Brigstock & Chap).

The templates are ‘roughly’ populated and now we have to finalise the servers (ITAL_SEOW, 69GvIAP and 102nd_COOP), initialise the templates and begin to run the necessary tests.


The design is for a ‘multitheatre’ ‘multisector’ campaign.

The plan is to run three missions a week at peak times (with large turnout , hopefully 80 + participants. AND 3 missions a week with smaller turnouts in the less ‘active’ sectors.

The peak time missions are most likely to co-incide with CET (this is a practicality) whilst the less active missions can be scheduled to give everyone that cannot usually make these times a chance to also participate.

We hope to run the campaign for 6 months. (24 missions per sector total)

JUNE 4th 1942
is the chosen timeframe because both sides are fairly evenly matched in most theatres and there is also huge variety of aircraft…there is a historical reason also:-


PACIFIC (design by 242Sqn_Cat & Chap )

Midway Expanded The Slot
Hawaii and Phillipines as timeskipped production areas

June 4th of course is the beginning of the epic battle of Midway.
Midway expanded allows us to recreate this at almost full scale for the first time (with a host of new IJN carriers).

The Slot is relatively unpopulated at the start. The direction the Pacific Theatre takes will depend upon the result of Midway.
IJN invasion will halt the supply of US lendlease to the Eastfront and allow Strategic bombing of Hawaii.
US victory will allow a progression into TheSlot

THE EASTFRONT (design by Brandle)

Crimea Kuban

Initial action is focused upon the Crimea with production coming from the Kuban. Action will move depending upon the results of the Axis offensive. Brandle can embellish details but expect the Eastfront to be an extremely hard faught ground war with proper emphasis upon the AxisAllied contingents that flew there.

Timeskipped production centres:-

Channel 1940 & ITAFrGR provide the production capability of the Western Allies, German and AxisAllied contingents. The Axis commanders have to decide how to distribute their limited resouces between TheMed and the Eastfront.

THE MEDITERRANEAN (design by 242Sqn_Chap)

Centmed Libya

June 4th is about 10 days into the Gazala offensive in North Africa and also when the most bloody convoy battles to Malta occured.

The Allies have to supply Malta and prevent the fall of Tobruk.
The Axis have to prevent Allied Supply from reaching Malta and protect their own convoys to North Africa so that Rommel has the resources to capture Tobruk.
(Supply to Lybia has to shipped across an expanded Centmed and may not be simply transfered.)

Bombing Supply Areas
There is a mechanism for Strategic bombing (and interception of such) into the supply sectors.

This is probably enough detail to give you a good overview.

Squads that are interested should contact 22GCT_Gross ASAP so that we can try and arrange the times/theatres/sectors and squad responsabilities etc etc.

This of course requires a fair amount of organisation, the more that we all know , the earlier we know it , the more likely it is that we can arrange participation in a way that will ‘maximise utility’.

Long term I know…maximum pleasure, for as many people as possible I believe is the Utilitarian principle of ‘maximise Utility’.


Overly competitive individuals should play Chess and not SEOW as they are in no way similar.
Chess is a perfectly balanced competitive game,
SEOW is the ultimate ‘MP mission generator’, that also adds context and depth to IL2 flight simulation.

This can be the ultimate in Simulation and Immersion if you get a bunch of amicable and likeminded people involved.

Competitive people however will quickly create badfeeling, untold arguements, work for the admins and can potentially turn what can be great experience into something thoroughly unpleasant.

Please pm 22GCT_Gross and we can try and get an idea of interests, optimum days and times.

That last paragraph is interesting
“The intention is SIMULATION and NOT COMPETITION.”
It doesn’t mean you should not try to win, it means flying with the right attitude. The campaign is not a point scoring exercise.

Hehe, just posted the same info in the War room Brigs. Great minds…



Sounds good Brig,

I’m looking forward to it, it will be good to do a proper war again. I will fly the Med and Eastern Front myself, I’m not keen on the Pacific but will go with the flow. :slight_smile:

Any ideas on a likely start date?


Hi Splash

We are hoping within a few weeks, a month at most.
All the ball breaking work is complete, with just a few templates to finish up and a little testing.

See this thread to sign the EAF up.


It has a link to a short application form, mainly so we can gauge numbers and plan the allocation of Squadrons to their prefered theatre of Ops

Let me support the very positive points I see:

Easy to install on a clean 4.09 and no probs at all (just one big pack with everything included)
shorter load time
BoB included
AI Mod included
4.09 compatible
SEOW campain to be available soon (Thanks Brigs, Chap, Gross, etc.)

I simply love it! :slight_smile:

Does anyone else get an error trying to run Black Death track under HSFX, i get a Error Dialogue.

Mission loading failed: Index: 97, Size: 97

Count me in.

Brig…can I ask why the chaps are against the 6DOF being utilised in the servers and campaign?

Downloaded, installed and no problems so far, quick to load as well…

Who is signing us up?

Link in the post to me from Brig, if nobody wants to I will.


Because many of the people using HSFX and joining the servers dont have 6DOF capabilities, some don’t even have TIR.
The general concensus from that group is that 6DOF is too much of an advantage over the non 6DOF non TIR users and that group is as large if not larger than the TIR3/4/5 users.

Cheers mate, if thats the reason…no problem, I’ll just sit it out…can I ask the 602 boys then…can we not run SEOW on a Monday night…its the only night I can fly and if you fly in the SEOW campaign then I won’t be flying :frowning:

Is there an indication of days and times yet, or wil that depend on who signs up?

That is not finalised yet. The plan is to run at least three large missions a week with 3 smaller missions for those outside the European timezone.
A primary and secondary mission in each theatre. Each player has a choice, you could just play out your sector each week with just the one mission or you could play in every mission across all theatre’s if you are fanatical.

Each week would represent 1 campaign day across all theatres.

This campaign does indeed look very very interesting but not having 6DOF is a huge issue for me, with 6DOF the feeling of immersion into the sim is so greatly increased, without its just not the same.

But then again reading that last paragraph


With that in mind perhaps 6DOF will be allowed so that those with 6DOF can fully immerse themself into the sim, and those that cant use 6DOF wont miss anything anyway.

I love the sound of it, especially with that philosophy at its heart. Can live without 6DOF but I’ll certainly miss not having it.

Mind you, now not being able to open the canopy irritates me as well; maybe we’re all becoming a little spoilt these days :smiley:

Patch 4.1 for HSFX