CoD missions screenshots

Some screenshots from the last couple of weeks as I’ve been slacking in keeping the blog updated. :o

110 hunting Splash over Lee on Solent

Coming in for a dead stick landing at Lee on Solent

A lick of paint and she’ll be all right

Splash breaking round to dive on the bombers


Some from last night (June 6th)

“On your 5”

Going in with 19

“AI Ming” heading home

Wow, stunning. If only my game looked as good as this.:frowning:

I’d love to see some “screenies” of the massed bombers I see you guys talking about.


There’s no reason why it shouldn’t. Have you installed the TF mod?? They’ve made some superb changes, which not only improve the eye candy element, but improve PC and network performance.
What are your system specs?

Have a browse here Baz. -

Quite a few of the images are pre TF mod, so they don’t look as nice, but there should be enough to whet your appetite.

Very nice site Keets.

Unfortunately it’s not good news on the pc specification front but I’m happy to browse your site and check out this forum until I replace it.


yesterday I bought this sim…didn’t run it yet

You might need to update your graphics card for CoD to run properly.

Baz, you have the same System specs as me I run COD Maxed out with No AA, not the best FPS in the 20’s but very much playable. :slight_smile:

Joko, good to see you took the plunge. :slight_smile:

Very similar specs I’ll grant you Os’ but for me, its a disappointing experience; I feel too detached from the aircraft. The sort of “floaty” 6DOF and the mouse lag on the clickable cockpit along with stutters (not too bad in fairness)… I’ll wait until I have a machine that can do it justice.

I’m happy to look at pictures for now (a bit like the slide show I get with COD from time to time:D)


Floaty 6DOF is a TIR issue not the game. You just need to adjust your settings with decent deadzones and curves to straighten that out.

Yeah I initially thought so too Brigs. I tried adjusting my profile, but I couldn’t get rid of it and as I wasn’t getting anything similar in any of my other sims…

I’ll have another tinker tomorrow and see if I can smooth things out. Thanks for the advice.


Screens from last nights mission.

Initial engagement with 50 109’s, 12 Hurries and 24 Spits (note the loan contrail up high - Os :slight_smile: )

Looking up at Heinkels + escort

Battle damage - blown tyre, gear stuck and engine coughing

He wont make it back

Splash on finals

Wow, you Guys look like your having a ton of fun.

Thanks for the screenies. One day… One day…:rolleyes:

Dear Santa…
