There’s no reason why it shouldn’t. Have you installed the TF mod?? They’ve made some superb changes, which not only improve the eye candy element, but improve PC and network performance.
What are your system specs?
Very similar specs I’ll grant you Os’ but for me, its a disappointing experience; I feel too detached from the aircraft. The sort of “floaty” 6DOF and the mouse lag on the clickable cockpit along with stutters (not too bad in fairness)… I’ll wait until I have a machine that can do it justice.
I’m happy to look at pictures for now (a bit like the slide show I get with COD from time to time:D)
Yeah I initially thought so too Brigs. I tried adjusting my profile, but I couldn’t get rid of it and as I wasn’t getting anything similar in any of my other sims…
I’ll have another tinker tomorrow and see if I can smooth things out. Thanks for the advice.