Ciao Mezza Pugnetas :)

Hello my friends,

just passing by to hug :slight_smile: and say hello to you .


You bastard!

About time you said something!! :slight_smile:

Ciao Cassa, how is everything mate? Your girls must be old enough to go to university now! So maybe you have time to fly with us? :slight_smile:

Very happy to know from you, come some day to TS and we can talk a little.

Hi Cassa, nice to hear you!

Ciao Cassa!!! :banana::smiley:

Hello Cassador. :smiley:

Cassa come back!!!
We need you in Cliffs of Dover!

Cassa come back!!!
We miss u!

Hi my friends :slight_smile:

in this moment my computer is not able to runn COD :frowning: laggs a lot.

How things going ? Are you all flying on COD or still IL2?


There are some EAF flying IL2 but not much from 51…