Just a quick grazie 51 for allowing us to join you in the King of the Hill 1v1, was great fun to watch and participate.
Hope we can join you another time a little earlier, it a good challenge
Just a quick grazie 51 for allowing us to join you in the King of the Hill 1v1, was great fun to watch and participate.
Hope we can join you another time a little earlier, it a good challenge
You’re absolutely welcome guys, our bad we didn’t call you before because we thought it would end soon!
It’s always useful, we had a nice time and we should repeat that.
We were thinking with jimmy to split the mission into 2 or 3 different people hosting, so in this way we could fight for many times and many people at once (and so optimizing our time)
Siete i benvenuti ragazzi, colpa nostra che non vi abbiamo invitato ad entrare prima ma pensavamo durasse di meno il training.
E’ sempre utile e ce la siamo passata bene ieri sera, stavamo pensando con jimmy (per la prossima volta) di montare la stessa missione e farla hostare a 2 o 3 persone diverse in maniera tale da avere più persone che combttono allo stesso momento e riducendo così i tempi del training.
Swoop you chaps are always weclome!
We are family!